17.08.10 Independence Day of Indonesia
seneng banget yah kita bisa hidup di jaman modern kaya sekarang ini..
ngga kebayang kalo gua hidup di jaman dulu.. ngga ada si keren blackberry, ngga ada si canggih macbook.. TV pun cuma orang mapan aja yang punya..
udah gitu pembantu susah dicari.. tiap hari harus bantu orangtua cari duit, belum tentu boleh sekolah..
Thanks God gua lahir di tahun 1991.. :)
Thanks God juga 65 tahun sudah Indonesia merdeka.. Meskipun kita masih dijajah oleh hal-hal yang kasat mata.. :(
BTW, mati lampu doonnkk di rumah..
alasannya : belum bayar listrik
padahal gua udah kasih tuh duit listrik ke hosmet dari awal bulan ini, and sekarang listriknya diputusin karena belum bayar.. ZZZ
satu pertanyaan gua adalah :
WHY do people like to put off doing something?
contohnya aja nyicil belajar ato mandi ato disuruh orangtua ato kejadian hari ini yang bikin gua ngga bisa ngapa2in (padahal udah rencana mau seharian nonton korea) lol
alasannya banyak banget! entar aja deh, belum waktunya, males, gak sempet, cape, masih ada lain waktu, and many more.
bingung dehh... kalo emang ada kesempatan, kenapa ngga sih? apa ruginya coba ngelakuin sesuatu sebelum tenggat waktunya and ngga last minute??
hhmm..masalahnya kalo belajar, oke deh kadang2 kita emank males disuruh nyicil.. itu sih maklum.. tapi kalo saran gua, kenapa ngga belajar nyicil?? apa ruginya??
Kalo gua sih (bukannya sombong,wkwkwkw) kalo udah mau exam, gua usahain nyicil belajarnya.. Rajin banget?? Mungkinn.. :) tapi bukan itu masalahnya.. gua sih takut aja kalo belajar last minute, ngga keburu semua bahan and malah stress sendiri karena kepikiran bahan yang banyak banget..
selain itu.. temen gua pernah ngasih quote kayak gini :
3 sentences of getting success :
-know more than others
-work/study more than others
-expect less than others
gua sih mikirnya gini.. di dunia ini orang2 punya kemampuan yang beda2.. ada yang cerdas, ada yang pinter, ada yang sedikit lemot, dan ada yang butuh perhatian extra.. masalahnya di kelompok manakah kamu di dunia ini??
gua sih mikir jeleknya aja.. kalo ternyata banyak banget orang yang jauh lebih cerdas dari gua, gimana donk? gimana gua mau bertahan hidup? gimana gua mau cari makan?? kawin ama datuk ato anak raja?? hahahaha
Intinya.. anggep aja kita dikategori pas2an, it means kita harus work/study more than others. Kalo orang pinter belajar rumus fisika sekali aja cukup, berarti kita harus belajar 3 kali biar kemampuan kita SAMA kayak dia. Itu artinya juga, kita harus belajar 7 atau 10 kali lebih sering biar kemampuan kita MELEBIHI kemampuan 'si pintar' itu.
Am i right? :)
Oh yaa.. selain itu juga, selama satu tahun terakhir ini gua belajar banyak banget tentang pengalaman hidup.. *Baru 18 mau ke 19 tahun aja udah sok* hahaha
I am not sure whether you agree with me or not, but this life teaches me to expect less from others. I do not expect others to do a favor for me anymore, I do not expect others to understand my feelings, I do not expect others to 'sacrifice' for me. Why? I just think that it's nonsense. The only one that can sacrifice for us is our Lord. :)
My mom once taught me not to depend on other people. Sometimes, we have to stand with our own feet without any others' help. WE HAVE TO. Because i don't think people can always help us if we get into troubles. They do have problems. So the only person that can help you whenever you need is Jesus :)
However, even when I said that I do not expect others to understand my feelings or cares of me, I DO EXPECT. coz I am still human. But I just don't want this feeling make me out of control and force others to care of me and understand my feeling; if they are not, i will be so mad and angry and upset, and act like crazy.
NO. I am not that kind of person. That's why i want to keep my expectation under control :D
So, please think twice if u are trying to put off doing something..
sometimes? acceptable.. but always?? it's BIG NO.
Think about your future, then you will realize how precious time is :)
Last thing, if I think deeply about the positive thing for not having electricity today, i got some advantages also :
1. I cleaned my house. MY SELF. *proudly to say* the very very dirty kitchen, the messy living room, and my own room. Now it's clean and comfortable :D
2. I went swimming. So happy coz since a month ago I didn't go swimming, and so happy to see the pool like a small little child :D Now I feel slim. LOL
It is now 9 pm, I don't know what to do with the rest of the time. Impossible if i sleep at this hour, and wake up in the early morning, find out that the electricity is still being cut down. :(
My macbook's battre is half already so i need to keep it or else i have to go to someone's house and do online there. Pray for me, soon the electricity will be back. :)
sbnrnya td uda nulis, tp kepencet back, jd hrs ulang dr awal TT , dicoba menulis kembali apa yg sudah ditulis
ReplyDeletenumpang komen, biar keliatan uda dibaca, lol..
btw, sekedar info aja, kerasa loh ini anak pemilik blog sudah lebih dewasa (lol, sok kenal mode on) kerasa uda mulai jadi manusia :P
ya.... bener kita harus bersyukur lahir di era akhir abad 20 (kita skrg di abad 21 kan? lol..)
ga harus ikutan yg namanya kerja rodi, tanam paksa, diperbudak bangsa asing, dll..
tapii.. kerasa ga si klo kita itu masi terjajah?
ya i mean masi blm merdeka, blm bisa bebas, sama yg namanya teknologi.
teknologi uda jadi bagian yg ga bs dipisahin dalam idup..
bayangin coba kita idup sehari tanpa listrik.. (lol, emang jaman batu)
ga usa susah2 deh.. tanpa online, tanpa blackberry, tanpa kompi, lapi, iphone, facebook, twitter, dll selama seminggu. bisa? haha.. rasana kecil ya kemungkinan bisanya.
coba balik lagi kita liat jaman sd kita. rasanya kita bs senang cuma dengan main petak umpet, main kelereng, monopoli, kartu remi. ya sekarang jg bisa. banyak si untungnya dari teknologi, ya salah satunya bs mendekatkan yang jauh. tp apa bisa kita gunain hanya pada saat yg penting aja? well i doubt it.. haha krn gw pribadi ga bs, lol..
disisi perdagangan. coba bayangin kalo misalnya sehari aja pekerja di china mogok kerja, ga ngehasilin made in china dalam sehari. ga kebayang deh apa yg bakal terjadi..
ya mungkin ada bbrp yang menentang pendapat gw. tp ya balik lagi dengan apa definisi pribadi tentang apa itu merdeka.. cuma ya gw hanya mengeluarkan pendapat aja, hehe..
hahahaha.. thanks for the comment btw..
ReplyDeleteactually i CAN live without any kind of technology IF ONLY people also don't use any of it. Coz they will feel like they need one another, then we back to our childhood memories..hahaha
u know why people feel like they need those fb,twitter,msn,blackberry,etc? coz others use it too. it's human nature. we want to follow others, want to be followed.
imagine if no one has facebook,twitter,msn..u talk to nobody,u upload pics but noone will see,u update status to talk to urself. crazzyy riteee
in the end, no one will use those tech,hehehe..
anyway, i agree with u that we are still being colonized by those technology, buuuttt what can we do??
we need them, we love them..HAHAHA