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if you ever arrived in hell, keep walking.


'God speaking to me..'

It's October 21th today so you can say I've been in the UK for almost 2 months.. omg time flies so fast!
I've been nowhere except my last short trip to London and my visa will be expired in 8 months.. :\

anyway I have this urge of sharing something that I got from church earlier..
I believe many of you have heard this line, "God speaking to me that..", "I heard God's voice telling me that.." and so on. And I also believe most of you are not sure if God really speaks or have spoken to you. Cos sometimes I do.

But here's one good illustration of how it works.
You must have experienced this, that when you are answering a phone call with unknown number, yet you suddenly know that it is that particular person who calls you, unless he/she is trying to fake their voice. The reason is because you know him/her so well until no one can lie to you. Cos he is your friend, your close one..
And this example is also applicable for your relationship with God.
How do you know when God speaks to you? How do you know when it's HIS voice and not your own thoughts?
How do you know if it's God's calling when you don't even know His voice? *bang!*

When you don't set aside your time to talk to Him, or even you do so but it just become your regular activity, you might lose that connection with God. You don't hear His voice. You might now even know how His voice is like.

I don't think I need to explain the rest cos all of you must have known what to do next :)

Life is challenging, but it doesn't have to be difficult.
Let God take controls!
Have a joyful week ahead ;)

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